Decision taken by the BOT meeting held Sun, Oct 4, 2020

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Honorable Members,
Decision taken by the BOT meeting held Sun, Oct 4, 2020 is as follows:
1. The Chair of Fundraising Committee (Krishna Lamichhane) will share a plan by the 18th to raise around $700,000 as soon as possible. This amount is required to complete the Phase1 of Euless project.
2. A 3-member election committee was formed, as shown below. This committee will hold the next election of BOT officers and EC
  •      Dhananjaya Dhakal - Chair
  •      Bilas Upadhyay - Member
  •      Bal Joshi - Member
3. Due to COVID, our entire project plan was delayed. Therefore, the BOT decided to extend the term of current BOT Officers and the EC so that the on-going Euless project does not get delayed and/or obstructed.
4. The election committee will table the proposal, to the General Assembly, to hold off the election for now and extend the term of current BOT officers and EC. The GA will decide on the extension period.

Thank you.
Sirjana Pokhrel, Secretary, Board of Trustees
Nepalese Cultural and Spiritual Center (NCSC)
2016 W. Grauwyler Rd, Irving, TX, 75061
Ph: 972-986-7779 (NCSC Office) /
972-793-2157 (Cell)