Dear community members, We acquired a 15000 sq ft of new property sitting on 1.47 acres of land in Euless…
Dear community members, We acquired a 15000 sq ft of new property sitting on 1.47 acres of land in Euless…
आदरणीय नेपाली समुदाय, नेपाली सांस्कृतिक तथा आध्यात्मिक केन्द्र (NCSC) को भर्खरै सम्पन्न भएको Trustee को मिटिंग र साधारण सभाले यूलेस…
Absence Excuse Letter for Tihar Dear NCSC Memebers, This is to inform that we did not meet the quorum for…
Dear Trustees, Past Sun, Oct 6th, 2019 , a formal meeting of the Board of Trustees unanimously approved to…